COME BACK HOME! (An Uncensored Letter to Governor Simon Bako Lalong by Comr. Arc. Davou Pam)

COME BACK HOME! (An Uncensored Letter to Governor Simon Bako Lalong by Comr. Arc. Davou Pam) "The dead cannot cry out for justice. It is a duty of the living to do so..." Mr Governor, I would have loved to start this epistle with some pleasantries but because of current occurrences in our dear State and the urgency of this message, I think we can save the pleasantries for another day. It is very unfortunate that many of our people have chosen to be "politically correct" even in current matters especially regarding the civil disturbances in our state which I believe to be a matter of survival and of self determination. Unfortunately, the truth have become secondary in our current political space especially here on the Plateau and even when faced with death, we have chosen not to speak the truth which has the power to give life and to set one free. Many have chosen the path of lies but a few still chose the path of truth no matter the consequences. I wish to align myself with those few. ON SELECTIVE JUSTICE Your Excellency sir, beyond the lost of lives, properties and even livelihood itself, the recent events on the Plateau have led to the lost of hope and great concern. Our people have lost everything and at the time when their hopes can be restored by their own leaders, their own government which have been entrusted with the power and mandate to protect them, but sadly, every motion of the government of Plateau State led by you points to the fact that you and your government owes more allegiance to some external powers and that Plateau people have no place of primacy in your heart. Current events have revealed beyond any shadow of doubt that Plateau citizens cannot be protected by even their own government, not because you lack the capacity to do so but because you lack the will. We have no where to look to except to God Almighty. Mr Governor, you and your apologist may say in your own defence that you have done your best by taking active measures and even imposing a curfew in recent days within Jos metropolis to curb the situation at hand but looking in retrospect, we can raise so many questions pointed at your lack of sincere willingness to take action in the past on the same issues. Why now? Why were actions not taken prior to last Saturday's event? Was prior killings in Plateau State especially in Bassa LGA not deserving of the same rush as displayed after the Saturday event in Plateau State? Where was government when over 70 people where helplessly hacked to death in Bassa LGA in outright onslaughts and skirmishes that lasted for more than 2 weeks before last Saturday's event? Where was government when more than 30 thousand people from Bassa were forced to leave their ancestral homes and become hopeless refugees in their own land? Where was government when herders grazed their cattle on and sometimes literally cut down young plants in the farms of our people with no fear because of support which they seem to enjoy from even our own leaders who are overwhelmed by "ABUJA" politics and who have chosen to sacrifice their own people on the alter of their personal ambition? There was lost of lives at Rukuba road last Saturday and that is totally condemnable. However that event itself raises other very important questions: So, who were the alleged commuters who where hacked to death by the unknown miscreants at Rukuba road? Can we truly get to know their identities? Frankly, should there not be serious suspicions arising from the route chosen by this alleged commuters as they take off to their alleged destination? If the killing of these commuters was a reprisal attack. Would justice over preceding attacks have prevented the reprisal attack? There are too many questions to ask Mr Governor and these questions only point to the need for you to come back home to your reponsibilities. Come back home to the people who graciously elected you and gave you the mandate to protect their lives and property. Come back home to your primary responsibility as the governor of Plateau State. Frankly you were not elected by a "Particular" region of Nigeria but it seems you have forgotten your primary responsibility as the governor of Plateau State as you parade yourself around as the "Chairman" of this region's forum. Your primary responsibility is to your people- the people of Plateau State! Come back home to a place of justice for all. We want to see your proactive response to every security situation. We want to see you act when any Taroh, Goemai, Ngas, Berom, Anaguta, Chakfiem, Mwaghavul, Fiem, Afizere, Chip, Mupun, Ron and any other Plateau citizen is murdered or threatened. You react passionately only when some other parties are touched. This is highly suspicious and frankly unacceptable. Justice is the constant and perpetual "Will" to allot to every man his due. Not SOME men but EVERY man! We ask for only one thing Mr Governor: JUSTICE FOR ALL! HEALING THE WOUNDS 1. Now that the peace is gradually returning, Mr Governor, do not forget that our mothers, our children, our people have been displaced and their lands grabbed in Bassa LGA and of course in so many other parts of Plateau State. It is very worrisome that land grabbing is practiced with such audacity in Plateau State in this 21st century! Do the needful. Let our people return back to their homes and their lands which they inherited from their ancestors for it is NEVER acceptable that these people should be displaced in such a callous manner. 2. As arrests are made over the recent unfortunate incident at Rukuba road, we want to see justice meted on the perpetrators of this evil act but beyond and above that, we wish justice will be extended to the people of Bassa LGA. We want to hear also about the arrest of perpetrators of evil in Bassa LGA. If there was justice for Bassa and other people of Barkin Ladi, Riyom and Bokkos LGA in the first instance, myriads of arrests prior to last Saturday's attack would have been with greater scores. It is still not too late. Let the security agencies with the same ferocity beam their search lights on the senseless killers who destroyed and still continue to destroy lives and properties in Bassa LGA and other parts of Plateau State. 3. Government must bring to book the killers of the University of Jos students who have come to acquire education only to return to their homes as corpses. It is so painful and beyond imagination that innocent students have been dragged into this senseless barbarism. 4. Silent and deliberate killings are still ongoing. Mr Governor the security situation in Plateau State calls for constant dialogue with critical stakeholders, religious leaders, leaders of ethnic groups and the youths. As I sign out, I want to relate to you Mr Governor, that the people of Plateau State are aggrieved and we need more proactive measures on issues which concern our people especially regarding the safety of our lives and properties. Above all, let Plateau people see the need to trust you and your government again. That will happen if you work hard to restore their hopes. Thank you in anticipation of better governance going forward. Yours in the Struggle, Comr. Arc. Davou Pam (A pro-life agent of peace and a concerned Plateau youth) God Bless and Protect the good people of Plateau State! God Bless Plateau State!! God Bless Nigeria 🇳🇬!!

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