TO THE RESILIENT PLATEAU YOUTHS: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY THE RESILIENT PLATEAU YOUTHS: HAPPY INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY To the Plateau youth, I will like to start by saying to you that 'the future is not a time zone that is yet to come. The future is anything that we can do but have not yet done, the future is anything we can be but have not yet been. The future is NOW'. We must take action to be part of that future which starts, NOW, TODAY and NOT TOMORROW. The objective of International Youth Day 2022 is to amplify the message that action is needed across all generations to achieve the global development objectives. In Nigeria where the youth have maintained a majority in population for decades, there has never been a more challenging time for the youths than now but, through delibrate action we will surmount the challenges and take action to create a future that we want to be part of. I want to celebrate the resilient spirit of youths all over the world but especially the Plateau youths. I want to amplify the hopes which we all share in a better tomorrow by saying, yes, it is possible to channel our energies to achieve greatness. Hope is not a substance of what has been churned out to us, hope is a reflection of what we chose to see. We have continued to work with friends, well wishers and colleagues to bring Plateau youths together to think about our future and the future of our dear state and take action. The International Youth Day is a day to reflect on the leadership style most especially our dear State *Plateau*, which we must all learn and Speak truth to Power in order to achieve the goals of building the Plateau youths towards a great future. Unity will always be my watch word and whether we have the podium now or not, we will continue to support and unite Plateau youths in order to achieve our goals of making Plateau youths capable of competing favourable with other youths anywhere on the global stage. God helping us we will continue to press towards that goal. -God bless the Plateau youths - God bless Plateau State -God bless Nigeria HAPPY INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY Comr. Arc. Davou Pam (GQ)

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